Council staff that were assaulted from 2018 to the latest recorded date - Find a freedom of information request


1. How many council staff were assaulted from 2018 to the latest recorded date. I would like the figures broken down by month/year, and if possible gender and council department, e.g. waste disposal, adult social care.

2. Please could you provide a brief description of the type of assault which took place and any resulting injuries recorded (verbal, punching, spitting etc /bruising, broken bones, dislocations etc).

3. The number of assaults on teachers and pupil staff by pupils at local authority schools from 2018 to the latest recorded date. I would like the figures broken down by month/year.

4. The number of assaults on other education staff (i.e. janitors, cleaners etc.) by pupils at local authority schools from 2018 to the latest recorded date. I would like the figures broken down by month/year.
If possible, I would also like 3) and 4) broken down by school and give what details you can on the nature of the assaults, i.e. sexual assault, verbal assault etc.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council (LCC). I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. LCC are unable to provide detailed data for 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21. This is because we changed our accident reporting system in April 2021 and the previous system did not record the level of detail you are requesting. The data we have provided has been extracted by manually checking individual forms.

2. The Category of Assault covers many scenarios as you will see from the data and the injuries are relatively minor in the majority of cases – abrasion, bruising and cut for example

3. The majority of cases reported are in our Children’s Services Department and are likely to be unintentionally caused by children who are clients if our social care or residential care teams

4. We do not hold data on Schools – this is held by individual schools themselves Lincolnshire County Council aims to minimise the likelihood of staff being assaulted and do have health and wellbeing support in place to support the staff when such incidents occur.

Should you require the attachment mentioned above please contact with the below reference number and this can be provided.

Reference number
FOI 7923897
Date request received
Date of decision