The public footway that runs from the Wragby Road corner with Scothern Lane - Find a freedom of information request


1. Please provide evidence of the first that is original construction of the public footway that runs from the Wragby Road corner with Scothern Lane, which was then known as Scothern Road until it meets the corner of St Edwards Drive in Sudbrooke.

That is the land acquired for this foot carriageway from whom and the date on which this carriageway was constructed together with the amount of top surface you have rights to and that the remaining subsoil is still in the ownership of the frontager. Please do not refer this matter to Land Registry as evidence is to hand from your legal department that part of this land was gifted in the 1930s.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

When was the footway built?

LCC do not have a record of when this footway was built.

When was the footway adopted as Highway Maintainable at Public Expense.

As this footway was built within the existing dedicated highway there is no separate adoption date for the footway.

What is the planned ongoing maintenance of the footway.

Please see below link to the HIAMP

Reference number
FOI 7692626
Date request received
Date of decision