Processing waste for fuel - Find a freedom of information request


1) Has any work been carried out in Lincolnshire to look at costs and benefits of processing waste for fuel? Deriving for example heat to fuel community housing projects? Are any of these documents public? Perhaps within the minutes of council member meetings. Public forums etc?

2) You have mentioned the costs for disposal currently are commercially sensitive however wouldn't and decision of this scale have been passed through a public forum, I wonder if you can share the members briefing papers that would have been used tonnage your current waste strategy?

3) Has any work been carried out to look at the environmental benefits of deriving fuel from waste? Would those papers be available?


1. No work has been carried out to look at costs and benefits of processing waste for fuel.

2. Lincolnshire County Council do not hold this information.

3. Lincolnshire County Council has not carried out any work to look at the environmental benefit of deriving fuel from waste.

Reference number
Date request received
12 September 2023
Date of decision
28 September 2023