- DMMO number
- DMMO 379
- Intended effect of the application
- Claimed footpath
- Grid references for start and end of claimed route
- TF2906293054 to TF2898793307
- Address of property on which claimed route lies
Manor Farm, North Ormsby, Louth, Lincs
- Postcode(s) of address related to claimed route
- LN11 0TJ
- Principal cities,towns,villages near claimed route
- Louth
- Parish
- North Ormsby
- District
- East Lindsey
- Applicant's name
- Mr R Cassen & Mrs S Cassen
- Applicant's address
Newton Hall, North Ormsby, Louth, LN11 0TJ
- Date of application
- 14 November 2014
- Council officer
- Senior Definitive Map Officer
- Application number
- Council telephone number
- 01522 782070
- Council email
- countryside_access@lincolnshire.gov.uk
- Date of council's decision
- 09 January 2017
- Outcome and reasons for the decision
To make a modification order to record a public footpath between the north end of North Ormsby Public Footpath No. 357 and the metalled public highway.
- Date modification order made
- 25 January 2017
- Confirmation,non confirmation (with,without mods)
Order confirmed (without modification) on 29 March 2017
- Completed
- Yes
- Documents