Contract values - Find a freedom of information request


I'd like to request some information in regards to the following services.

Listed Services:

A) Heating equipment supply, maintenance and install.

B) Ventilation equipment supply, maintenance and install.

C) Air Conditioning equipment supply, maintenance and install.

D) Refrigeration equipment supply, maintenance and install.

E) TM44 Inspections

1)Please confirm your annual spend for the listed services showing a breakdown of contract value and any additional ad-hoc spend for the previous 3 years.

2) Please confirm where services have been won through a tender or bid process or awarded via framework.

i) Please confirm the incumbent supplier and expected retender date.

ii) Please confirm the portal or tender forum you advertise/promote such works through.

3) Please confirm the name and contact details of the person responsible for procurement of the above services.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

All Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) property services are delivered through a Property contract with VINCI Facilities. The contract is for 10 years and expires March 31st 2025.

Under the Contract, they maintain all of the items listed. Any new installations are commissioned by VINCI’s sub contractor, Kier and these are procured by tender process.

The LCC Contract Manager is Stuart Wright,

He does not procure the services as VINCI procure the services, however he does manage the contract between LCC and VINCI.

Reference number
FOI 7540665
Date request received
Date of decision