The Government's Changing Places Toilets Fund - Find a freedom of information request


1) You appear to have not applied for funding from the Government's Changing Places Toilets Fund. Can you tell me why this decision has been made?

2) Now that round 2 of the funding application is open, will you be applying? and if not, why not?

3) Why aren't Changing Places Toilets going to be installed at Virginia House and other and day care centres owned by the County Council?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1) Adult Social Care, Day Services, became aware of the funding after it had already closed. It was not a decision not to apply rather a lack of awareness of this funding scheme

2) It isn’t, applications for Round 2 closed some time ago – 30/09/2022: prospectus/changing-places-toilets-programme-round-2-frequently-asked-questions

Funding has already been allocated to those that bid:

3) See response to questions 1 and 2

Reference number
FOI 7538265
Date request received
Date of decision