Environmental and Tree-Planting Initiatives - Find a freedom of information request


Environmental and Tree-Planting Initiatives:

1) Over the past year, how many events related to environmental awareness or tree planting has the council organised?

2) Does the council have specific tree-planting targets set for the upcoming years?

3) How many trees has the council planted in the last year?

What budget has been allocated for promotional materials associated with these events?

4) What were the funds allocated for tree-planting in the past financial year, and what is projected for the next?

Product and Supplier Preferences:

1) How many flyers or other promotional print materials did the council commission or produce in the last year?

2) Which departments utilise these promotional materials?

3) What has been the total expenditure by the council on paper-based promotional materials over the last financial year?

4) Are these promotional materials sourced sustainably?

Carbon Offset, Land, and Green Investments:

1) What is the council's carbon neutrality target date?

2) How much carbon does the council aim to offset annually?

3) Does the council have any land parcels suitable for afforestation or reforestation?

4) Details on the council's green or sustainability investments over the last three years?Community

Engagement and Benefits:

1) Current or planned community engagement initiatives related to sustainability or environmental awareness?

2) Studies or assessments on the benefits of green spaces or tree coverage?

Regulatory Framework and External Funding:

1) Council's policies or frameworks concerning urban green spaces, afforestation, or reforestation?

2) External grants, funding, or partnerships for sustainability initiatives?

Contact Information:

1) Contacts for the department overseeing marketing and promotional campaigns, environmental officer, and the person responsible for tree planting initiatives?

Supplier Certification and Sustainability Goals:

1) Consideration of sustainability or corporate responsibility when selecting suppliers?

2) Measures to support local biodiversity and specific biodiversity targets?

3) Planned environmental campaigns or tree planting initiatives for the next financial year and their projected budgets?



I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1) 3

2) Yes

3) £0

4) LCC have various budgets for tree planting - some associated with Highways, Property and Countryside Management.

We also have a funding allocation from the Forestry Commission.

Product and Supplier Preferences:

1) 0

2) N/a

3) £0


Carbon Offset, Land, and Green Investments:

1) 2050

2) Not decided as yet

3) Yes

4) Community

Regulatory Framework and External Funding:

1) LCC do not currently have an approved tree strategy

2) LCC have some funding from the Forestry Commission - Treescapes Fund

Contact Information:

1) LCC don't have any marketing campaigns on tree planting at present. Any sales information can be sent to sustainability@lincolnshire.gov.uk

Supplier Certification and Sustainability Goals:

1) Environmental issues are taken into account during the procurement process. But the level of information required will depend upon the size of the contract.

2) Environmental issues are taken into account during the procurement process. But the level of information required will depend upon the size of the contract.

3) Budgets for the next financial year are not set as yet.

Reference number
FOI 7679229
Date request received
Date of decision