Planting Trees - Find a freedom of information request


Since the 2020 financial year can you publish.

1. All documents related to where to plant trees?

2. Long term management plans for planted trees?

3. Survival rates of planted trees?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council(LCC). I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. LCC don’t have a formal County Council document on this – but have used the Biodiversity Opportunity Mapping developed by the Greater Lincolnshire Nature Partnership. Access to this is controlled by the GLNP.

2. LCC have a small arboricultural team who provide advice on tree management rather than having specific management plans for planted trees.

3. LCC don’t have figures across every tree that has been planted or over every planting season. Survival rates have been very dependent on the weather conditions after planting. Some schemes suffered in the drought during summer 2022.

Reference number
FOI 7747309
Date request received
Date of decision