Locations for speed cameras and other speed monitoring/indicating devices - Find a freedom of information request


I would like to request information about all criteria used to identify locations for speed cameras and other speed monitoring/indicating devices. Within the county of Lincolnshire.

1) I would like to receive information with regard to all criteria used to identify locations for

a) The installation of fixed speed cameras

b) The installation of mobile speed cameras

c) The installation of vehicle activated speed indicator devices, and whether separate criteria are used to determine the type of VAS installed (vehicle speed and/or emoji - smiley faces, frowns etc.)

N B : The information that I would like to receive may be of the type, but should not necessarily be limited to - killed and serious injury criteria, 85th percentile speed criteria, accessibility for maintenance criteria, safe parking for mobile cameras criteria etc.

2) a) I would also like to receive copies of any guidance and/or criteria and/or other decision-making process that would be used to assess "community concern" and/or "community calls for action" in considering the provision of any of these devices?

b) Related to the above, I would like to know, if there is a "community concern" criteria, how many complaints or similar would have to be logged before action is taken?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1.a) Lincolnshire adheres to the guidance set out in DfT Circular01/2007

The criteria is shown page 11:


b) As above, in addition the national guidance does allow for areas of public concern. For the Lincolnshire Policy we look for four out of six key indicators to decide if an area meets this local criterion.

These are:

Is the average speed above the posted speed limit?

Is 85th percentile above the enforcement threshold?

Are 50% or more vehicles exceeding the posted speed limit?

Are 10% or more vehicles exceeding the speed limit by 10mph or greater?

Specific risk to public (near to a school)?

Collisions meet or exceed a 5 point criteria where a KSI collision is 2 and Slight collision 1?

c) No separate criteria is used.

2. a) No data held

b) As above

Reference number
FOI 7678429
Date request received
Date of decision