Employee headcount permanent/fixed term/casual - Find a freedom of information request


Please provide numbers of:

1) At the end of June-23,

a) Employee headcount permanent/fixed term/casual (sometimes called zero hours), excluding Contingent workers &/or agency worker, Schools and Fire

b) Employee Full Time Equivalent, excluding Contingent workers &/or agency worker, Schools and Fire

c) Contingent workers &/or agency worker headcount, excluding Schools and Fire

d) Contingent worker &/or agency worker Full Time Equivalent, excluding Schools and Fire

e) Employee headcount permanent/fixed term/casual (sometimes called zero hours), excluding Contingent workers &/or agency workers in the HR Function/Service

f) Employee Full Time Equivalent in the HR Function/Service, excluding Contingent workers &/or agency workers in the HR Function/Service

g) Contingent workers &/or agency worker headcount in the HR Function/Service

h) Contingent worker &/or agency worker Full Time Equivalent in the HR Function/Service

i) of the total sum of your HR workforce (i.e. employees and contingent workers / agency workers), what percentage work in Talent & Learning departments (i.e. those teams that have responsibility for the provision of Talent Development and Learning services).

j) of the total sum of your HR workforce (i.e. employees and contingent workers / agency workers), what percentage work in Talent Acquisition / Recruitment / Resourcing services (i.e. those teams responsibility for filling open vacancies within the council)

k) how many people directly report to the head of HR (People), excluding executive assistants

2) For the Year 2023/2024,

a) what is the overall total budget for HR (People) (i.e. the total budget which is allocated to all HR including salaries)

b) what is the overall total budget for HR (People) excluding salaries

c) has the HR (People) budget, excluding salaries, increased from the previous year and if so, by what %

d) what is the % of the HR (People) budget, excluding salaries, allocated to Talent & Learning departments (i.e. those teams that have responsibility for the provision of Talent Development and Learning services).

e) what is the % of the HR (People) budget, excluding salaries, allocated to Talent Acquisition / Recruitment /Resourcing services (i.e. those teams responsibility for filling open vacancies within the council)

f) Do you plan to increase the budget for HR (People) excluding salaries? g) If yes, in what areas are you going to increase budget and by what % (approx.).


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1.a) 4847 (employment types of FTC, Permanent, Relief, secondment, temporary

b) 4015.21 FTE (employment types of FTC, Permanent, Relief, secondment, temporary

c) 86 agency worked in last week of June. LCC do not record contingent workers centrally

d) 72.37 FTE agency for last week of June. LCC do not record contingent workers centrally

2.a) £3,312,574

b) £742,433.

c) No

d) 3.7%

e) 0% as there is an income budget for this team ,and residual costs are just salaries

f) It is not possible to answer this as the budget has not been prepared in detail for future years.

Reference number
FOI 7679029
Date request received
Date of decision