The number of Children and Young Persons who are receiving EOTAS - Find a freedom of information request


Please could you provide the following information:

1. The number of Children and Young Persons (CYP) aged 5-16 resident in Lincolnshire County Council who are receiving EOTAS (Education Other than At School)?

2. The number of post-16 students who are receiving EOTAS.

3. The Council members of staff who run the EOTAS provision and their email addresses and phone numbers?

4. Is the council in a contract with an external provider for tuition services? If so, who is the provider/providers? If not, how is education provided for these students?

5. What has been the total spend with External Agencies as part of the EOTAS provision? Can this be broken down to the spend with each individual agency.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. There are three children, aged 5 -15, who are EOTAS

2. There is one child post 16, who is receiving EOTAS.

3. The Council has no dedicated members of staff for EOTAS. All SEND Caseworkers manage EOTAS for their children.

4. The providers used, to date, by the Council are:

Acorn free School,

Hill Holt Wood,

4 strides,

Academy 21,

Lincolnshire Education Support (LES) and Nisai

5. The payments to these providers so far have been £0. The reasons for this are that the cost of the provision is met through Personal Budgets, or by another Local Authority, or EOTAS has recently been agreed and no invoices have yet been received.

Reference number
FOI 7315949
Date request received
Date of decision