Fires on balconies on residential buildings - Find a freedom of information request


Data relating to fires on balconies on residential buildings in your area, as follows;

1. How many fires involving balconies occurred in total between 1st August 2022 and 31st July 2023?

2. In the same period, how many fires occurred where balconies where found to have contributed to the spread of the fire across the external walls?

Please provide data on the causes of any fires that started on balconies in the period (ie; barbecue, discarded cigarette, electrical appliance fault, etc) and please provide the number of occurrences for each cause.

If your incident recording system does not include "balcony" as a recorded location, could you please perform a search on free text fields in your database for the term, as I have found in the past that this often returns useable data.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

There have been no incidents recorded in the twelve-month period as having started on a balcony.

Reference number
FOI 7588554
Date request received
Date of decision