The total number of trees planted by the authority - Find a freedom of information request


1) I am writing to formally request information regarding the total number of trees planted by your authority, either independently or in collaboration with community groups, charities, and/or businesses, for the years

a) 2018

b) 2019

c) 2020

d) 2021

e) 2022

f) and the current year (2023)

2) Additionally, it would be greatly appreciated if you could provide the approximate number of trees felled by your authority for each of these years. 

3) I kindly seek information on the total land area currently owned by your authority, ideally expressed in hectares. In particular, I am interested to know what percentage of this land is covered by turf that is presently mown and maintained by your authority. 


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1) d) 2021/22 – 17,000 trees

e) 2022/23 – 26,000

trees Information for earlier years is not available

2) Lincolnshire County Council does not collect/hold this information

3) Lincolnshire County Council does not hold the information for land covered by turf In terms of verge cutting by LCC Highways we have the following:

4,241,409m2 (Urban Grass cut – 3 times per year)

17,140,694m2 (Rural Grass cut – 3 times per year)

Urban grass is areas of highway grass within towns and villages and all this grass area is cut. Rural grass is verges largely to the sides of roads and is cut to a width of 1.1m, other than on bends and at junctions where this is cut wider to allow for visibility for road users.

Rural grass verge will have sections outside of the 1.1m strip that are not cut.

The above is all highway maintainable at the public expense, not necessarily land owned by LCC.

Reference number
FOI 7538765
Date request received
Date of decision