Traffic in and around Nettleham - Find a freedom of information request


Traffic in and around Nettleham, Highways Officers visits:

1. How many visits per?

2. Is this every day?

3. Is this week in and week out?

4. Do Highways Officers visit the specific location where traffic flows are monitored?

5. What form of monitoring (type & duration) takes place in these 'visits'?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Our inspection and maintenance regime is laid out in this policy management-plan

Highways Officers also attend site in response to customer enquiries. As such, this information is exempt from disclosure in accordance with the exemption set out at Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 which provides that a public authority need not comply with a request for disclosure under the Act where that information is reasonably accessible by other means.

2. See the response to Q1

3. See the response to Q1

4. Highways Officers visit location in line with our HIAMP record/61685/highways-infrastructure-assetmanagement-plan

to undertake safety inspections of the highway. Where specific customer enquiries are received they will also make ad hoc visits to assess the issues raised.

5. See the response to Q4

As such, this information is exempt from disclosure in accordance with the exemption set out at Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 which provides that a public authority need not comply with a request for disclosure under the Act where that information is reasonably accessible by other means.

Reference number
FOI 7437593
Date request received
Date of decision