Pupil referral units in Lincolnshire - Find a freedom of information request


1) The total capacity of Pupil Referral Units (PRU) in Lincolnshire at the date of the May 2023 census and the date of the January 2023 census.


2) For the same dates could you stipulate the total number of pupil enrolments in Pupil referral Units within your council including both a) single registered and b) dual registered pupils. This should give me two numbers for each date: first the capacity number (e.g. 100) and second the actual number of enrolments (e.g. 80).


3) Because of the nature of single and dual registered pupils, if possible could you include a third number for each date - the number of full-time equivalents on-roll. If your PRU does outreach into schools, could you also include this number and add it to the number of full-time equivalents enrolled with the PRU.



PRU Capacity

DfE Number

School Name

School Capacity


The Acorn School



Springwell Alternative Academy Spalding



Springwell Alternative Academy Lincoln



Springwell Alternative Academy Mablethorpe



Springwell Alternative Academy Grantham



Please note that schools' capacity is not collected in the School Census, but is entered by schools themselves onto the DfE's Get Information About Schools website, which can be found here: https://www.get-information-schools.service.gov.uk/Search


These are the latest figures, and no backdated figures are available.



Pupils on Roll as of January 2023

DfE No School Name On Roll Sole Registered Dual Registered Subsidiary Registered
9251106 The Acorn School 48 3 0 45
9251112 Springwell Alternative Academy Spalding 51 31 4 16
9251117 Springwell Alternative Academy Lincoln 66 52 0 14

Springwell Alternative Academy Mablethorpe

51 34 0 17

Springwell Alternative Academy Grantham

60 47 3 10

Pupils on Roll as of May 2023

DfE No School Name On Roll Sole Registered Dual Registered Subsidiary Registered
9251106 The Acorn School 46 3 0 43
9251112 Springwell Alternative Academy Spalding 52 41 2 9
9251117 Springwell Alternative Academy Lincoln 64 58 2 4

Springwell Alternative Academy Mablethorpe

53 45 0 8

Springwell Alternative Academy Grantham

61 56 1 4

3. All Sole and Dual-Main registered pupils of mandatory school age are entered as full-time, i.e. 1 FTE, and their attendance at other schools is instead managed using attendance codes.  Therefore, a total FTE count is not relevant as it is the same as the 'On Roll' count for each school, even if the pupils attend other schools.

Reference number
Date request received
31 July 2023
Date of decision
17 August 2023