Safety audits/inspections carried out by Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership in Saltfleetby - Find a freedom of information request


Safety audits/inspections carried out by LRSP in Saltfleetby

1. Request all and full comprehensive details of the last two surveys they claim to have made.

This information to include the dates the surveys were carried out, who carried out the surveys along with confirmation of their qualifications to do so, how and where the surveys were carried out and a copy of the resultant survey data.

2. Also a copy of the criteria applied and the methodology used in its application to said road safety survey data.


Please see attached for your response. 

All officers undertake Highways Inspector Training and continuous CPD in order to be able to complete road safety inspections.

Should you require the attachments mentioned above please contact with the below reference number and this can be provided.

Reference number
Date request received
27 July 2023
Date of decision
11 August 2023