Pre-Determined Attendance to fire in Keelby - Find a freedom of information request


Fire in Keelby on Sunday 25th June at 16:25 hrs.

1. Why was Binbrook even on the PDA?

2. Why were the two Immingham East appliances first on the PDA (11 mins) according to you LFRS?

3. Why did it take Binbrook 30 mins to book in attendance from TOC?

4. Caistor should have been 3rd pump without question on the make up but it was second 4th why was Immingham East only mobilised on the Make Pumps 3?


1 and 2. A Pre-Determined Attendance (PDA), is the assessment made by Fire and Rescue services to provide safe and suitable actions to the initial operational requirements of an incident. A PDA is based on incident type and size and doesn’t include specific appliances that will be mobilised, so it is not accurate to suggest Binbrook and Immingham were on the PDA. However, based on our mobilising system which has a global overview of assets that are available, it will recommend which appliances are closest and therefore have the quicker response times. At the time of call the system suggested several options to our control operators in which they made their decisions to mobilise the assets that were sent.

3. The Binbrook appliance was mobilised at 17.00.39 and booked on scene at 17.21.08 which gives a response time of 20 minutes and 30 seconds which is within the timeframe we would expect given the travel distance and road layout.

4. Based on the options presented to our control operators, a decision was made to mobilise the appliances that attended the incident. There was a delay with one of our appliances which has been reviewed and the issue has been addressed. Due to this delay this was the reason a third appliance was mobilised after the initial call and mobilisation phase had been completed.

Reference number
Date request received
19 July 2023
Date of decision
9 August 2023