- Summary
To add a Footpath from Caistor Road to Gatehouse Lane
- DMMO number
- DMMO 72
- Intended effect of the application
- Claimed footpath
- Grid references for start and end of claimed route
- TF110 902 to TF107 897
- Address of property on which claimed route lies
Brampton Cottage, Caistor Road, Market Rasen, Canon Lodge , Caistor Road, Market Rasen, Barwick House, Caistor Road, Market Rasen
- Postcode(s) of address related to claimed route
- LN8 3JA
- Principal cities,towns,villages near claimed route
- Market Rasen
- Parish
- Middle Rasen
- Electoral Division
- Market Rasen Wolds
- District
- West Lindsey
- Applicant's name
- Middle Rasen Parish Council
- Date of application
- 05 August 1987
- Council officer
- Senior Definitive Map Officer
- Application number
- Council telephone number
- 01522 782070
- Council email
- Countryside_access@lincolnshire.gov.uk
- Date of council's decision
- 02 September 1988
- Outcome and reasons for the decision
To add a footpath
- Date modification order made
- 12 June 2017
- Confirmation,non confirmation (with,without mods)
Several objections were lodged against the making of the Modification Order. The Order, together with the objections, the available evidence and the necessary documentation, was submitted to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs in August 2018 for a decision based on the evidence on whether the Order should be confirmed or not confirmed. In a decision of 4 February 2020, the Secretary of State considered that there was sufficient evidence to demonstrate that on the balance of probability a public footpath exists at common law to warrant the confirmation of the Order and proposed to modify the Order so that it recorded northernmost section of the footpath with a width of 3 metres and the remainder cross field section of the route with a width of 1.2 metres. The modifications were advertised but no objections or representations were made, so the Secretary of State confirmed the Order with the modifications proposed. As a result of the confirmation of the Order, the Order Route is now recorded as a public footpath in the Definitive Map and Statement. The route is called "Middle Rasen Public Footpath 1147".
- Completed
- Yes
- Documents