Weight Management - Find a freedom of information request


In the last 12 months (or 21/22 or 22/23 in line with financial year reporting - please specify), for both target

set and actual performance:

1. Adult Weight Management

a) Financial spend on delivering Adult Weight Management services

b) No of adults starting a Tier 2 adult weight management intervention

c) No of adults completing a Tier 2 adult weight management intervention

d) No of adults achieving a 3% weight loss

e) No of adults achieving a 5% weight loss

f) No of adults sustaining 3% weight loss after 6 months

g) No of adults sustaining 3% weight loss after 12 months

h) No of adults sustaining 5% weight loss after 6 months

i) No of adults sustaining 5% weight loss after 12 months

2. Child Weight Management

a) Financial spend on delivering Child Weight Management services

b) No of children who started a weight management programme

c) No of children who completed a weight management programme

d) No of completers who have maintained or reduced their BMI centile/z-score at the end of the weight management intervention. 

e) No of completers who have maintained or reduced their BMI centile/z-score at 26-week follow-up.

3. Stop Smoking

a) Financial spend on delivering Stop Smoking services

b) No of adults setting a quit date (for smoking)

c) No of adults achieving a 4 week quit

d) No of adults achieving a 12 week quit

e) No of adults maintaining their quit at 26 weeks

4. NHS Health Checks

a) Financial spend on delivering NHS Health Checks

b) No of individuals eligible for an NHS health check

c) No of individuals invited to an NHS health check

d) No of individuals who attended an NHS health check


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

Targets are set by contract year, which runs from July to June. Therefore, figures below are for the most recent full contract year 01/07/21 – 30/06/22. Data for contract year 22/23 not yet available.

1. a) LCC commission an Integrated Lifestyle Service, and therefore we are unable to attribute costs to each specific pathway as there are a large number of shared resources across the service.

b) Target: N/A Actual: 3933

c) Target: N/A Actual: 2235

d)Target: N/A Actual: 1693 of individuals who completed intervention (3888 of starters)

e) Target: 1840 Actual: 1539 (with an additional 1392 individuals who achieved outcome whilst accessing other pathways)

f) Target: N/A Actual: 125 (this is maintaining or exceeding weight loss, not specific to 3% or 5%)

g) Data not available

h) See response to 1f

i) See response to 1g

2.a) Contract value is an average of £331,500 pa

b) Data not yet available – first contract year ended 30/06/2023

c) Data not yet available – first contract year ended 30/06/2023

d) Data not yet available – first contract year ended 30/06/2023

e) Data not yet available – first contract year ended 30/06/2023

3.a) LCC commission an Integrated Lifestyle Service, and therefore we are unable to attribute costs to each specific pathway as there are a large number of shared resources across the service

b) Target: N/A Actual: 4421

c) Target: 3300 Actual: 2469

d) Target: N/A Actual: 1697

e) Not measured within the ILS contract

4. a) During 2022/23 the spend was £494,548.96

b) Each year the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) calculates the NHS Health Check estimated 2018-23 total eligible population (TEP) which are used in the Public Health Outcome Framework metrics. In Lincolnshire for 2022/23 this was estimated to be 226,407.

c) During 2022/23, 30,816 people were invited for an NHS Health Check.

d) During 2022/23, 18,632 people attended an NHS Health Check.


Reference number
FOI 7317949
Date request received
Date of decision