Supporting small businesses - Find a freedom of information request


Supporting small businesses

Funded programmes:

a) Number of funded programs provided by the council each year

b) Total amount of money dedicated to funded programs per year

c) Proportion of the council's budget allocated to funded programs


a) Total amount of money loaned by the council each year

b) Number of loans provided by the council each year

c) Average loan size

Access to funding:

a) Total amount of funding available for access each year

b) Number of funding opportunities (grants, loans, etc.) available per year

c) Percentage of applicants that successfully secure funding


a) Total amount of investment facilitated by the council each year

b) Number of businesses or projects receiving investment each year

c) Proportion of the council's budget dedicated to investments


a) Number of initiatives providing discounts or financial incentives for local businesses

b) Total amount of money saved by businesses through these initiatives each year

c) Percentage of local businesses participating in such initiatives

How many businesses council has helped set up:

a) Number of new businesses set up in the council area each year

b) Number of new businesses receiving direct support (funding, loans, one-to-one support) from the council

c) Percentage of new businesses that attribute their establishment to the council's support

Reference number
FOI 7421529
Date request received
Date of decision