The number of solar/photovoltaic panel fires - Find a freedom of information request


1. Could you please supply me with the number of fires that have been attended relating to solar/photovoltaic panels from 2010 to date.

I'd be grateful if you could break this down by year. If you don't have a specific recording category for these, a free text search would be much appreciated.


There is no specific category that captures whether an incident involved solar / photovoltaic panels, so a free text search has been used to respond to this request.

Year     Number of Incidents

2017     1

2018     1

2019     6

2020     1

2021     1

2022     1

2023     2

Total     13

*It should be noted that not all these incidents are necessarily to do with the actual solar panels; a number of them relate to the wiring / control units / junction boxes etc associated to the solar panels

Reference number
FOI 7317749
Date request received
Date of decision