Harlaxton - Land at Denton and Welby - CA-7-1-572 - Register of landowner deposits

Grid reference
SK855339, SK861340, SK869340, SK851330, SK855326, SK857319, SK864328, SK867327, SK870328, SK977387, SK970383, SK973382, SK982374, SK974362, SK968349
Address of buildings on the deposited land
Keepers Cottage, Belvoir Road, Denton, Lincs, NG32 1LW; Reservoir Cottage, Harston Road, Denton, Lincs, NG32 1LN; East Cottage & West Cottage, Harston Road, Denton, Lincs, NG32 1LN; Denton Manor and Denton Manor Cottage, Harston Road, Denton, Lincs, NG32 1JX; The Larches, Harston Road, Denton, Lincs, NG32 1LL; 63 Main Street, Denton Lincs, NG32 1JZ; The Chestnuts, Blacksmiths Lane, Welby, Lincs, NG32 3LY; Lordship Cottage, Lordship Farm and Lordship House, Main Street, Welby, Lincs, NG32 3LP; Swallowfield Farm and Ivy Farm, Main Street, Welby, Lincs, NG32 3LR
South Kesteven
Nearest city or town
Highways Act 1980, Section 31 (6) - Deposit date
15 June 2023
Depositor's name and address
Sir Richard Bruno Gregory Welby Bt, c/o Strutt and Parker, 5 South View, Tinwell Road, Stamford, Lincs, PE9 2JL
Declaration dates, names, addresses of depositors
(1) 6 July 2023: Sir Richard Bruno Gregory Welby Bt, c/o Strutt and Parker, 5 South View, Tinwell Road, Stamford, Lincs, PE9 2JL
Date deposit expires
5 July 2043