Expense claims for home internet - Find a freedom of information request


Relating to expense claims for home internet approved

Please include the following information, broken down by the 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23 financial years:

1. The number of expense claims submitted, per year, for home internet costs

2. The number of expense claims approved, per year, for home internet costs

3. The total cost to the council of expenses for home internet costs

4. The highest expense claim for internet costs approved, per year


1. In accordance with the Smarter Working policy Lincolnshire County Council do not pay home internet costs as a matter of course.

LCC would only pay for internet costs if the employee had incurred any additional costs above those that they were already paying.

To find and collate this information for these few cases LCC would have to check all expenses claims for home equipment in the last year which would exceed the 18 hours permitted under Section 12(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Reference number
FOI 7245005
Date request received
Date of decision