Procurements and/or purchases of lifts, both domestic and commercial public access - Find a freedom of information request


Period from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024:

1. All information on all planned and upcoming procurements and/or purchases of lifts, both domestic and commercial public access.

2. All information on all planned and upcoming procurements and/or purchases of services pertaining to building refurbishments which may include an accessibility or adaptability service provision for persons who may require lift access.

3. All information on all planned and upcoming procurements and/or purchases of services pertaining to the building of social housing which may include an accessibility or adaptability service provision for persons who may require lift access.

This will include the following examples of equipment:

a) Domestic lifts (eg sitting, standing, wheelchair, wheelchair and attendant)

b) Public access lifts (eg sitting, standing, wheelchair, wheelchair and attendant)


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. There is no planned procurement for purchasing of lifts for this financial year. In the event that was required, Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) would procure this via it’s Procontract platform and request tenders via that forum.

2. There are no planned building refurbishments resulting in a new lift being required. As a result of a building refurbishment, there may be improvements to all facilities, including lifts, but this would be included within the refurb project and would follow the LCC Procurement regulations.

3. LCC do not provide social housing, this is provided by the District Councils.

Reference number
FOI 7184189
Date request received
Date of decision