Private number plates - Find a freedom of information request


Total Expenditure:

Please disclose the total amount spent by on private number plates during the last financial year [April 2022- March 2023]. This figure should exclude any expenses related to the mayor's car, fire department vehicles, and police vehicles.

Breakdown of Expenditure:

If possible, please provide a detailed breakdown of the aforementioned expenditure, specifying the individual costs associated with each private number plate purchase. This breakdown should include the amount spent on each plate, the date of purchase, and any additional charges related to registration or administration fees.

Purpose and Justification:

Please provide an explanation for the purpose and justification behind the expenditure on private number plates by the council. If there were specific reasons or policies that prompted these purchases, please include them in your response.

Impact on Public Services:

Please indicate whether the expenditure on private number plates has had any impact on the provision of public services. If so, please elaborate on the nature of this impact and any steps taken to mitigate it.


Lincolnshire County Council does not spend any money on private number plates.

Reference number
Date request received
4 July 2023
Date of decision
19 July 2023