Local Authority assets being transferred to community assets - Find a freedom of information request


1. The number and total value of local authority assets that have been sold in each of the last 13 calendar years, not including community asset transfers,


2. The number of local authority assets that have been transferred to community assets in each of the last 13 calendar years, And the number of council assets that are currently for sale, or which you anticipate will be sold within the next five calendar years.


Within the coming 5 years Number of LA assets sold

E.g. 5


Total value of LA assets sold

E.g. £250,000 


Number of LA assets that have been transferred to community assets

E.g. 1


Number of LA assets for sale or anticipant to be sold 

 E.g. 7


Please see the details in the table below. 

  2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 Within the coming five years
Number of 
LA assets 
1 26 19 7 26 28 29 24 16 9 9 21 10 14  
value of 
LA assets 
503000 2163769 4392398 1862365 5336096 6739610 4152458 2900927 2163385 570001 32600 3178230 451002 1054725  
Number of 
LA assets 
that have 
  1   1                     1


Where a formal decision has been taken to dispose of a property now or in the future, this is included within the 47 properties for sale or anticipated to be sold. Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) is currently reviewing it’s longer-term strategy and is not in a position to share estimated numbers of disposals within the next five years at this time.

Reference number
Date request received
26 June 2023
Date of decision
11 July 2023