Covid 19-Pandemic - Find a freedom of information request


Covid 19-Pandemic.

*​Personnel refers to organizational employed personnel.

**​Non-operational vehicles refers to non-blue light response vehicles owned or leased ​by the organization.

***​Level of PPE - respiratory and/or eye protection and IMPORTANTLY the grade of ​PPE specified e.g. in the case of respiratory protection 'Workwear or FFP1 or FFP2 or ​FFP3 grade masks.

**** ​Operational vehicles refers to blue-light response vehicles owned or leased by the ​organization

In relation to personnel*, traveling within NON-operation vehicles**:

1. Were personnel prohibited from traveling together in a vehicle at any period during the Covid pandemic?

2. If so, during what date period had this prohibition taken effect?

3. Were personnel permitted to travel together in a vehicle at any period during the Covid pandemic?

4. If so, were personnel required to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) while traveling together in a vehicle?

5. If answer to Q4 is YES, during which date period had the PPE been required?

6. What level of PPE*** was specified for occupants traveling together in a vehicle?

7. Was the requirement to wear PPE, mandatory or advisory?

In relation to personnel*, traveling within OPERATIONAL vehicles****:

8. Were employees permitted to travel together in operational-vehicles****, (in particular Fire Engines) at any period during the Covid pandemic?

9. If so, were personnel required to wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) while traveling together in a vehicle during any period within the Covid pandemic?

10. If answer to Q9 is YES - what level of PPE*** was specified for occupants within ​a vehicle?

11. Was the requirement to wear PPE mandatory or advisory?

12. In relation to Q9 above - during what date period had the PPE requirements been in place?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. No they were not prohibited however it is not the norm for staff to travel together in nonoperational vehicles.

2. N/A

3. Yes

4. Yes

5. Yes

6. FFP3 masks

7. Mandatory when in a vehicle with more than 1 occupant

8. Yes

9. Yes

10. FFP3

11. Mandatory

12. Approximately End of March 2020 to the end of January 2022

Reference number
FOI 7058385
Date request received
Date of decision