Forbidden Forest Event - Find a freedom of information request


1. I would be grateful if you could forward the findings of the highways department and a copy of the data that is referred in an email from CRT from Highways. I would like to discuss this matter further with the Parish Council at our next meeting and also with the residents of Denton. 

Response provided by Highways Teams for complaint.

We can confirm that our Highways Team reviewed the data from last year's event and there was no recorded congestion or traffic issues surrounding Denton Village. As the local Highway Authority (HA), we have a duty to maintain the expeditious movement of traffic on the Highway. As part of Safety Advisory Group (SAG), we engaged with all event organisers to provide information regarding the surrounding area of their location, where we recommended and advised appropriate restrictions that where necessary and assist them in agreeing Traffic Management (TM) set ups in line with the current legislation.

Further to the above, as declared in Condition 11, which was agreed at the licensing sub-committee on 10th October 2022, states the following:-

'The premises licence holder shall submit a Traffic Management Plan to the Safety Advisory Group at least 60 days prior to any proposed event, with the plan to be finalised in conjunction

with the safety advisory group taking into account the representations put forward by Denton PC and any other comments put forward from members of the public at least 14 days prior to any proposed event.'

Our Highways Department confirmed that the premises licence holder did meet the condition to submit a TM plan to SAG, LCC and Leicestershire County Council Highways confirmed this 60 days prior to this event taking place. They had taken on board the local Parish Councils comments and made reasonable adjustments to the Forbidden Forest event on June 3rd 2023. These measures have been monitored and will be reviewed as part of the event debrief.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

Attached is the Route Monitor data for the 2022 event at Belvoir Castle, which tracks congestion and heavy traffic flow, not speed, around Denton

Should you require the attachments mentioned above please contact with the below reference number and these can be provided.

Reference number
FOI 7061686
Date request received
Date of decision