Children placed in mainstream foster care in past 12 months - Find a freedom of information request


1. How many individual children (not placements) were placed into mainstream foster care by the LA over the past 12 months (or the most recent 12-month period that you're able to process)?

2. Of those, please confirm how many individual children (not placements) were placed with foster carers of independent fostering agencies.

3. What is the minimum, maximum and average agency fee you have given to IFAs for individual children (not placements) placed as 'standard' placements?

4. What is the minimum, maximum and average agency fee you have given to IFAs for individual children (not placements) placed as 'enhanced' placements (including step-down, remand and children with disabilities)?

5. What is the minimum, maximum and average agency fee you have given to IFAs for parent and child placements (placement fee, not for individuals)?

6. Of all individual children (not placements) placed in the 12-month period, please break down the numbers by ethnicity (categories you record)

7. And also by religion.



  • Children (No.)
  • Local Authority Foster Carer – 221
  • Family and Friends Foster Care – 151
  • Independent fostering agency (IFA) Foster Care – 30

Total 366 N.B. An individual child may have been placed in more than one type of foster care placement during the period.


  • Children - (No.)
  • IFA Foster Care - 30

3. Minimum: £550, Maximum: £971.85, Average: £814.22.

4. 0 children were placed as enhanced placements from April 2022 - March 2023.

5. Minimum: £1,500, Maximum: £1,695, Average: £1,597.50.


  • Children (No.)
  • BAFR African – two
  • MOTH Any Other Mixed Background – seven
  • MWBA White and Black African – two
  • MWBC White and Black Caribbean – four
  • NOBT Not Obtained – 12
  • OOTH Any Other Etnic Group – 12
  • WBRI White British – 290
  • WOTH Any Other White Background – 32
  • WROM Gipsy/Roma - five



  • Children (No.)
  • Christian - 19
  • Christian (Church of England) - 24
  • Christian (Evangelical/Pentecostal) – one
  • Christian (Jehovah Witness) – two
  • Christian (Methodist) – two
  • Christian (Orthodox) – one
  • Information Not Yet Obtained – 153
  • Muslim (Islam) – one
  • No Religion – 160
  • No Religion (Atheist) – one
  • Not Willing to Declare – one
  • Other Religion - one
Reference number
Date request received
7 June 2023
Date of decision
22 June 2023