Roles within HR - Find a freedom of information request


1. Your CEO (or similar position if you do not have a role with this exact title)

2. Your HR Director (or similar position if you do not have a role with this exact title - this could be Director of People, Head of HR etc.  I am looking for the person primarily responsible for HR/People/Workforce)

3. The person and role responsible for workforce productivity and/or performance

4. The person and role responsible for people/workforce analytics and data


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.  


1. Debbie Barnes, Chief Executive

2.Tony Kavanagh – Assistant Director HR and Organisational Support

3. Tony Kavanagh – Assistant Director HR and Organisational Support

4. Tony Kavanagh – Assistant Director HR and Organisational Support

Reference number
FOI 7084477
Date request received
Date of decision