Restructure within the Transport Services Group - Find a freedom of information request


Regards to the recent restructure within the Transport Services Group

1. When the consultation document was released in approximately July 2022, how many vacancies existed within the Transport Services Group?

2. How many staff members were granted voluntary redundancy and how many were made compulsory redundant as part of the restructuring?

3. How much did Transport Services Group / Lincolnshire County Council spend on making the staff in point number 2 redundant?

4. As of the restructure planned go live of 1st February 2023, how many vacancies existed within Transport Services Group?

5. As of 1st June 2023, how many vacancies still exist within Transport Services Group?


6. What was the budget and actual spend on Home to School Transport for financial years 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. 20

2. 9 members of staff were granted voluntary redundancy, 2 members of staff were made compulsory redundant as part of this restructure.

3. £426,783.07, excluding the staff time involved.

4. 19 vacancies as at 1st Feb 2023

5. 12


Year Actual/Projection Revised Budget
2020/21 £31,951,752.48 £30,150,331.00
2021/22 £37,071,633.36 £34,865,194.20
2022/23 £42,038,000.00 £38,055,000.00


Reference number
FOI 7000357
Date request received
Date of decision