Drug and alcohol services - Find a freedom of information request


1. A comprehensive list of the organisations commissioned by the council to provide drug and alcohol services. For each organisation, from the service specification between the council and the provider, please provide the following: Start and end dates of the contract.

2. A comprehensive list of the services that each organisation is commissioned by the council to provide.

3. For the listed services above, which of these has associated KPIs?

a) If so, what are they?

4. For the listed services above, are there payment by results outcomes for any of them?

a) If so, what are they?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. 01-10-2016 to 31-03-2024 - Integrated Substance Misuse Treatment service including Young person treatment, Adult Treatment, Needle Syringe Programme, Psychosocial interventions, Clinical services , Residential detoxification, Residential rehabilitation.

01-10-2016 to 31-03-2024 Recovery Service including Peer support, Mutual aid, Recovery community, employability training, delivery is in groups and one to one.

01-04-2023 to 31-03-2024 Family support service including peer support, mutual aid, groups, one to one support.

01-06-2019-31-05-2024 Integrated Lifestyles Service (One You Lincolnshire), providing Extended brief interventions for alcohol with clients scoring 19 or less on the AUDIT and who are managing a long term condition. This service also provides healthy eating, weight management and smoking cessation services.

2. See question 1 above.

3. Integrated Substance Misuse Treatment Service

• KPI 1 Increase numbers in effective treatment

• KPI 2 Reduction in clients re-presenting to treatment

• KPI 3 Waiting Times Adults and Young People – 3 weeks and under for Alcohol and Drugs

• KPI 4 Maintain Treatment Outcome Profile (TOP) Compliance of 80% or above at Start of treatment, review of treatment and at exit from treatment Integrated Lifestyles Services

• KPI 1 The number that reduce their alcohol consumption to less than 14 units of alcohol per week or have reduced their alcohol intake by 50% or more

4. Yes

• Integrated Substance Misuse Treatment contract – £910,130.40 in total, 5% of the original contract value per KPI detailed in Q3 a total of 20%

.• Integrated Lifestyles Services contract - £27,500 of contract value is allocated to the alcohol target detailed in Q3.

Reference number
FOI 7018089
Date request received
Date of decision