Lincolnshire County Council Pension Fund initial investment in Open-Ended Funds - Find a freedom of information request


May I please request for a copy of any records that would show some or all of the following information:
* The horizon returns which would include the 1 month, 3 month, 12 month and 3 year annualized returns earned by Lincolnshire County Council Pension Fund on
its investment in each fund since the Lincolnshire County Council Pension Fund initial investment in Open-Ended Funds to 31 March 2023.
We are requesting this information for the following Open-Ended investments:
Aberdeen Standard European Residential Property Fund
IFM Global Infrastructure Fund
Igloo Regeneration Partnership
Standard Life Investments European Property Growth Fund
Royal London Property Fund
BlackRock UK Property Fund
Aviva Investors Pensions - Property Fund
Thank you very much for your attention to this request.

In the event that Lincolnshire County Council Pension Fund does not have an active investment in any of these funds, a simple note to this effect will suffice. 



I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

Please find attached Full returns at 31 March 2023 for 1 month, 3 months, 1 year and 3 years as requested.

Should you require the attachment mentioned above please contact with the below reference number and this can be provided.

Reference number
FOI 6919774
Date request received
Date of decision