Fixed penalty notices ('FPNs') - Find a freedom of information request


1) For the period 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022 (the 'Relevant Period'), the total amount (by number) of fixed penalty notices ('FPNs') issued under each of:

a) section 74 of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 ('NRSWA') (charge for occupation of the highway where works unreasonably prolonged);

b) regulation 19 of the Traffic Management Permit Scheme (England) Regulations 2007 (offence to undertake works without a required permit); and

c) regulation 20 of the Traffic Management Permit Scheme (England) Regulations 2007 (offence to breach a permit condition),

2) The total amount (by value (£)) of FPNs issued and paid under each of the legislative provisions listed at 1(a), 1(b) and 1(c) above (the 'FPN Provisions') for the Relevant Period.

3) The total number of entities to whom FPNs were issued or payment received from under each of the FPN Provisions in respect of FPNs issued during the Relevant Period.

4) The names of each entity undertaking streetworks in respect of which an FPN under each of the FPN Provisions was issued for the Relevant Period.

5) The amount, by number and value, of FPNs issued per entity undertaking streetworks during the Relevant Period in respect of each of the FPN Provisions.

6) The total number (quantity) of sample inspections undertaken pursuant to the Street Works (Inspection Fees) Regulations 2002 ('Streetworks Regulation') during the Relevant Period, and split as between Category A, B and C inspections

7) The total amount (value (£)) of fees billed in respect of sample inspections undertaken pursuant to the Streetworks Regulation during the Relevant Period

8) The total number and names of all entities whose works were inspected pursuant to the Streetworks Regulation during the Relevant Period.

9) The amount of fees levied against each entity identified at point 8, above, in respect of sample inspections undertaken during the Relevant Period.

10) The number of sample inspections undertaken against each entity identified at point 8 as a percentage of the total works undertaken by that entity during the Relevant Period, expressed as 'units of inspection' pursuant to the Streetworks Regulation.

11) The total number (quantity) of inspections undertaken pursuant to section 72 of NRSWA during the Relevant Period

12) The total amount (value (£)) of fees billed pursuant to section 75 of NRSWA during the Relevant Period

13) The total number and names of all entities whose works were inspected pursuant to section 72 of NRSWA during the Relevant Period.

14) The amount of fees levied against each entity identified at point 13, above, in respect of inspections undertaken during the Relevant Period.

15) The number of inspections undertaken against each entity identified at point 13 as a percentage of the total works undertaken by that entity during the Relevant Period.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1) a) 1580

b) 148

c) 1426

2) £253,780

3) 30

4) See Table A attached

5) See Table A attached

6) Cat A – 3541,

Cat B – 2698,

Cat C – 1744

7) £279,450

8) See table B attached

9) See table B attached

10) See table B attached

11) 1948

12) £102,827.50 - this figure includes investigatory inspections carried out for the same period

13) See Table C attached - this figure includes investigatory inspections carried out for the same period

14) See Table C attached - this figure includes investigatory inspections carried out for the same period

15) See Table C attached - this figure includes investigatory inspections carried out for the same period

Should you require the attachments mentioned above please contact with the below reference number and these can be provided.

Reference number
FOI 6739805
Date request received
Date of decision