Minimum, maximum and average rates paid to independent providers for the delivery of care and support to adults with learning disabilities - Find a freedom of information request


1.The minimum, maximum and average rates paid to independent providers for the delivery of care and support to adults with learning disabilities, physical disabilities and mental health?

2. The minimum, maximum and average rates paid to independent providers for the delivery of care and support to young adults 16-25 with learning disabilities, physical disabilities and mental health?

3: What are your minimum room sizes and property requirements eg, is an open plan kitchen suitable? do you require all ensuites and a separate living and dining room?

4:What areas would you prefer your providers to be situated in and what is the furthest area would you accept?

5: What type of supported living services are needed in (your local authority, learning disabilities, mental health, section 117, section 17, informal?

6: As a new service who do we contact about setting up a supported living service?

7: What type of services are you looking to commission now, for example is it Supported Living18-65 for people leaving long term inpatient treatment?

8: Do we need to apply for a local authority contract in order to register as a supported living service provider, if so what is the process and how do we apply?

9: What are the brokerage contact details?

10: Who are the mental health and learning disabilities commissioners?


1. The Community Supported Living hourly rate for our framework is £19.15 per hour and £19.70 for floating support.

2. Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) only record the total placement costs for the young person (YP) that fit the criteria and don’t always have a breakdown between which elements of those costs relate to care/support and which relate to Education. To find that out would take a disproportionate amount of time and many Providers don’t calculate their total placement costs using this type of split and so in turn, this would take them a disproportionate amount of time too. The figures below relate to the YP that fit that criteria but it is based on their total placement cost not the rates apportioned to care/support. It is also based on YP that are in a mixture of weekly/termly/full boarding placements.

The lowest weekly cost is £486.08 per week.

The highest weekly cost is £7,145.77 per week.

The average cost is £3,375.39 per week.

3. The design and layout of our Community Supported Living settings differ across the County. When we commission new accommodation we always look to specify separate living and dining areas and separate kitchens. Room sizes are not specified as such, only if needs of the person dictates a specific size to allow for specialised furniture etc.

4.  LCC commission services within Lincolnshire in the first instance. It would not usually commission out of county services, but it does existing access out of county services when the need arises.

5. LCC don’t have this information available.

6. Please email and someone will contact you.

7. LCC currently commission services via our providers on the CSL Open Select List. These are CSL services for 18-65 year olds with varying levels of complexity.

8. LCC is in the process of reopening it's Open Select List for Community Supported Living – please email and it will come back to you with the relevant information needed to be able to bid.


10. The lead commissioner for both learning disabilities and mental health is Justin Hackney – Assistant Director Specialist Adult Services, supported by Joanna Tubb – Head of Learning Disabilities and Lorraine Graves – Head of Mental Health Services

Reference number
Date request received
21 April 2023
Date of decision
6 June 2023