Pothole repairs 2020-2023 - Find a freedom of information request


Could you please provide the number of potholes you have repaired in each of the following financial years please:

1) 2022/23

a) number of potholes repaired

b) number of potholes reported

c) estimated cost for repairs for the year

2) 2021/22

a) number of potholes repaired

b) number of potholes reported

c) estimated cost for repairs for the year

3) 2020/21

a) number of potholes repaired

b) number of potholes reported

c) estimated cost for repairs for the year


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

For parts a and b see table below

Fiscal Year Pothole repairs Completed Pothole reports received
2020 33766 11788
2021 37849 12780
2022 32694 12946

For part c each year

LCC do not calculate the cost of repairs specifically allocated to potholes each year. There are a number of reasons for this; operationally it offers little value to spend time trying to assign costs at this level given the number of repairs undertaken per year but also there are a number of financial difficulties of trying to assign costs of materials and items of plant which are easily identified on a gang basis but further dividing these to specific repair type leads to inaccuracies.

The gangs are mixed discipline and undertake a variation of repairs not just potholes, but all costs are assigned at a gang level.

Reference number
FOI 6858585
Date request received
Date of decision