Looked After Children within your local authority who were identified as having a British citizenship - Find a freedom of information request


1. The number of Looked After Children within your local authority who were identified as having a British citizenship, each calendar year between January 2020 - December 2022 inclusive.


a. The number of Looked After Children within your local authority who were identified as having a non-British citizenship, each calendar year between January 2020 - December 2022 inclusive.

b. The citizenships of those Looked After Children who were listed as non-British, each calendar year between January 2020 - December 2022.

3. The total number of Looked After Children within your local authority, who were identified as having family members outside of the United Kingdom who could act as potential carers for the child in question, for each calendar year between January 2020 ¬- December 2022 inclusive.

In relation to this question, please include both:

* children where an assessment of a family member outside the UK was considered but not actually carried out; and

* children where an assessment of a family member outside the UK was carried out.

4. The number of Looked After Children under your local authority care who were placed with family members outside the United Kingdom for each calendar year between January 2020 - December 2022 inclusive.

5. The numbers and types of court orders used to place Looked After Children from your local authority care with family members outside the United Kingdom for each calendar year between January 2020 - December 2022 inclusive .

A) Child Arrangements Orders

B) Special Guardianship Orders

C) Care Orders / Interim Care Orders

D) Other (please specify)

E) No order

6. The number of Looked After Children provided with post-placement support services by the local authority following a placement with a family member / kinship carer outside of the UK, including financial support for their carers between January 2020 - December 2022 inclusive.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

Question:  2020 2021 2022 Total 
1. The number of Looked After Children within your local authority who were identified as having a British citizenship.  845 878 926 1358
2a. The number of Looked After Children within your local authority who were identified as having a non-British citizenship, each calendar year between January 2020 - December 2022 inclusive.  98 96 140 211
2b. The citizenships of those Looked After Children who were listed as non-British, each calendar year between January 2020 – December 2022.   List of countries: Afghan 7, American 1, Dutch 1, Eritrean 5, German 1, Iranian 7, Iraqi 10, Kurdish 2, Latvian 12, Lithuanian 11, Other 6, Polish 14, Portuguese 4, Romanian 3, Slovakian 2, Sudanese 8, Syrian 2, Vietnamese 2 List of countries: Afghan 7, American 1, Bulgarian 1, Eritrean 4, Ethiopian 1, Iranian 11, Iraqi 7, Kurdish 1, Latvian 11, Lithuanian 11, Other 5, Polish 12, Portuguese 4, Romanian 3, Russian 1, Slovakian 2, Sudanese 8, Syrian 2, Vietnamese 4 List of countries: Afghan 21, Albanian 4, American 1, Bulgarian 1, Egyptian 3, Eritrean 5, Ethiopian 2, Iranian 17, Iraqi 8, Kurdish 1, Latvian 13, Lithuanian , Other 14, Polish 3, Portuguese 8, Romanian 1,  Russian 3, Slovakian 2, South African 1, Sudanese 20, Syrian 3, Turkish 1, Vietnamese 5  
3. The total number of Looked After Children within your local authority, who were identified as having family members outside of the United Kingdom who could act as potential carers for the child in question.  1 1 3 5
4. The number of Looked After Children under your local authority care who were placed with family members outside the United Kingdom.  1 1 3 5
5. The numbers and types of court orders used to place Looked After Children from your local authority care with family members outside the United Kingdom.  A) Child Arrangement Orders: 0
B) Special Guardianship Orders: 0
C) Care Orders / Interim Care Orders: 0
D) Other (please specify): 0
E) No order: 1 
A) Child Arrangement Orders: 0
B) Special Guardianship Orders: 0
C) Care Orders / Interim Care Orders: 0
D) Other (please specify): 0
E) No order: 1
A) Child Arrangement Orders: 0
B) Special Guardianship Orders: 2
C) Care Orders / Interim Care Orders: 0
D) Other (please specify): 0
E) No order: 1
A) Total number of child arrangement orders: 0
B) Total number of special guardianship orders: 2
C) Total number of care orders / interim care orders: 0
D) Other (please specify): 0
E) No order: 3
6. The number of Looked After Children provided with post-placement support services by the local authority following a placement with a family member / kinship carer outside of the UK, including financial support for their carers. 0 0 2 2
Reference number
FOI 6739905
Date request received
Date of decision