Therapy hours per package for foster care - Find a freedom of information request


1. On average, how many therapy hours per package were provided for i) LA-provided foster care and ii) IFA-provided foster care, over the past 12 months (or the most recent 12-month period that you're able to process)?

-- If possible, please provide a breakdown of this for each IFA

2. Can you please provide a breakdown of NEET %s (Not in Education, Employment or Training), for children in i) LA-provided foster care and ii) IFA-provided foster care?

-- If possible, please provide a breakdown of NEET %s for each IFA

3. What is the average weekly fee per placement, spent on i) LA-provided foster care and ii) IFA-provided foster care, for children placed over the most recent 12-month period (as per question 1)?


This total equates in foster care is 14 who are NEET and the number in IFAs is 1 as confirmed with LCC Placements. Total is 15.

£845.17 per week (May 2022 - May 2023) IFA. LA average rate over last financial year was £398.74.

Reference number
Date request received
16 May 2023
Date of decision
31 May 2023