Retained Unavailability - Find a freedom of information request


1. I would like the service to provide me with details of the Retained/On-Call fire appliances availability over the most recent 12-month period, stipulating the amount of time these appliances were 'off the run' (unavailable) to respond to an emergency.

Please can these details to be broken down into the number of hours per month that an appliance has been unavailable on a station-by-station basis and expressed as a percentage figure.

In addition, and if possible, could the reason why the appliances were unavailable be included: i.e., lack of crew; lack of Officer in Charge; lack of driver etc?


1. Please see attached for your response.

LFR don't keep a record of why an appliance would be off the run in each instance.

This is managed locally by stations and divisional managers on a case by case basis and can be for a variety of reasons, some of which have already been listed.

Should you require the attachment mentioned above please contact with the below reference number and this can be provided.

Reference number
FOI 6742406
Date request received
Date of decision