The roadworks at Priory Road /Morrisons roundabout /Uffington Rd in Stamford - Find a freedom of information request


1. Please can you let me know how the roadworks at Priory Road /Morrisons roundabout /Uffington Rd in Stamford are being managed?

Specifically in regard to Cadent gas works.

2. What will happen once Cadent have finished with regard to the installation of other utilities?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. The site is under the responsibility of Cadent Gas Ltd. The County Council do not hold specific information about Cadent's management of the scheme but can confirm that the traffic management deployed is currently 4 way temporary traffic lights on the roundabout due to the work involving deep excavations. The signals are being monitored on site and manually operated 07:00-19:00 to assist traffic flow during the works. LCC are aware that there has been fairly significant queuing and are monitoring how the traffic management operatives are proactively monitoring the signals. LCC will continue to monitor congestion in the area for the duration of the works. The traffic signals will be reduced to 3 way lights at the site entrance within the next week. This adjusted traffic management set up will remain for the rest of the project.

2. Cadent have worked collaboratively with Anglian Water who have completed their required works for the site. The developer was requested to provide details of all service connections that were required, and these have been completed. The developer has stated that the gas connection is the final utility connection.

Reference number
FOI 6769597
Date request received
Date of decision