Local authority trading companies/ arms-length organisations (LATCs/ AMLOs) - Find a freedom of information request


This is a request for information on local authority trading companies/ arms-length organisations (LATCs/ AMLOs) under the Freedom of Information Act.

1, Please could you list any local authority trading companies and/or arms-length organisations owned (partly or wholly) by the council

2. Name the principal activity of each entity

3. Do they employ staff? If so, what is the headcount?

4. Do you wholly or partly own them? If you jointly own the entity, please list the other owners

5. What year were they founded?

6.How many staff were TUPE'd over on setting up the company?

7. If you hold the information, please could you supply the pay grading structure for the companies?

Do the LATCs/ AMLOs participate in the local government pension scheme?



I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Transport Connect Limited

EMPSN Infrastructure Limited

EMPSN Services Limited

Lincolnshire Future Limited

Lincolnshire County Property Limited

Hoople Limited

Legal Services Lincolnshire (Trading) Limited known as Lincolnshire Public Law

2. The Council claims exemption under section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 on the basis that the information is reasonably accessible by other means – namely through the Companies House website


Transport Connect Limited                   Yes 139

EMPSN Infrastructure Limited             No

EMPSN Services Limited Yes              8

Lincolnshire Future Limited                  No

Lincolnshire County Property Limited  No

Hoople Limited                                     Yes 511

Legal Services Lincolnshire (Trading) Limited   No

4. Transport Connect Limited Wholly

EMPSN Infrastructure Limited Wholly

EMPSN Services Limited Jointly (along with public sector entities taking services from the company)

Lincolnshire Future Limited Wholly

Lincolnshire County Property Limited Wholly

Hoople Limited Jointly (Herefordshire Council and Wye Valley NHS Trust)

Legal Services Lincolnshire (Trading) Limited Wholly

5. The Council claims exemption under section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 on the basis that the information is reasonably accessible by other means – namely through the Companies House website


6.Transport Connect Limited    None from the Council

EMPSN Infrastructure Limited None from the Council

EMPSN Services Limited        None from the Council

Lincolnshire Future Limited     None

Lincolnshire County Property Limited    None

Hoople Limited                                       None

Legal Services Lincolnshire (Trading) Limited    None

7. Transport Connect Limited   - The Council does not hold information on pay/grading structure. The company does have some participation in the LGPS.

EMPSN Infrastructure Limited N/A

EMPSN Services Limited  - The Council does not hold information on pay/grading structure. The company does have some participation in the LGPS.

Lincolnshire Future Limited N/A

Lincolnshire County Property Limited N/A

Hoople Limited  - The Council does not hold information on pay/grading structure. The company does have some participation in the LGPS. The FOI e-mail address is HoopleFOI@hoopleltd.co.uk

Legal Services Lincolnshire (Trading) Limited N/A

Unless otherwise stated above, the Council claims exemption under section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 in respect of contact details on the basis that the information is reasonably accessible by other means – namely through the Companies House website or the websites of the individual companies.

Reference number
FOI 6504941
Date request received
Date of decision