Long Term Electric Vehicle strategy - Find a freedom of information request


1. What is the council's long-term EV strategy?

2. How many electric vehicle charging points have the council

installed in the local authority? Including a split of slow, fast and rapid.

3. How many do the council plan to install over the next 12 months and financial year 2023/24? Including slow and fast charging points.

4. Will the council tender for charging points in point 3? If Yes, when? and which framework. And what funding will be available?

5. Are you receiving grant funding for electric vehicle infrastructure from the central government?

6. If yes, please confirm if this is via the On-street Residential Charging Scheme (ORCS) or LEVI funding.

7. How much will the council spend on installing electric vehicle charging points (as GBP and as a percentage of the overall 2023/24/25 budget)?

8. Who is in charge of leading the electric vehicle charging projects, their department and contact information?

9. Does the authority allow drilling in lamp columns to accommodate the installation of electric vehicle charging points?

10.What execution issues have been faced in implementing your current EV strategy, if any?


1. Lincolnshire County Council adopted the Fifth Local Transport Plan (LTPV) in spring 2022. LTPV identified the importance of alternative fuels for Lincolnshire, including the importance of EV infrastructure for individuals, businesses, and communities. Therefore, an EV strategy was developed and is available on our website

2. Approximately 20 up until 5 December 2022.

3. Approximately 100 with the majority being standard 7kW.

4. Yes, via the Oxford City Council EV DPS framework, currently aiming for Q2 2023. 25% LEVI funding with 75% private sector match.

5. Yes.

6. LEVI pilot fund.

7. The County Council does not currently have any internal budget allocated for this work – instead, we will be progressing the role out of EV charging using Department for Transport funding as part of a LEVI pilot designed to better understand the needs of Lincolnshire’s residents and the best methods of working as a highway authority. Lincolnshire County Council is the lead partner for the LEVI pilot and Lincolnshire will see around a third of the total £935,355 invested in the County. It is also expected that this support from Government will attract an additional £2.8million of private sector investment, across the five local authorities.

8. Infrastructure Investment, Growth Services.

9. Not at present.

10. Not applicable.

Reference number
Date request received
6 April 2023
Date of decision
10 May 2023