Lincolnshire County Council receiving funds to repair roads - Find a freedom of information request


Reference to Lincolnshire County Council receiving £6.8 million to repair over 5000 roads.

1. Would like a breakdown of where that money has gone?

2. Would like to know what Cllr Mark Whittington's official title and what area he is looking after?


1.  The final "pothole fund" allocation from the Department for Transport for Lincolnshire is £7.475million rather than the anticipated £6.8million.

This has been allocated based on hierarchy of road as follows:

£1,998,363 - Principal Road Network - Pothole Fund - Surfacing (Hierarchy 2)

£1,476,637 - Carriageway - Pothole Fund - Surfacing and Patching (Hierarchy 3&4)

£1,000,000 - Carriageway - Pothole Fund - Patching and Dressing (Hierarchy 3&4)

£1,500,000 - Carriageway - Pothole Fund - Surfacing/Patching/Recycling (Hierarchy 5,6,7)

£1,000,000 - Carriageway - Pothole Fund - Patching and Dressing (Hierarchy 5,6,7)

The remainder of that additional funding has been allocated to Lincolnshire County Council’s (LCC) reactive service and will be used to provide the following:

Additional equipment added to current work gangs to enable more efficient pothole repair resulting in better productivity, and to cover the additional material usage that will result from that.

An extra velocity patching gang will be provided, increasing our current velocity patching resource from two to three gangs across the County.

Provision of an additional gang for minor repairs from faults reported by the public (subject to the resource being available), increasing the Minor Works gang resource from four gangs to five across the County.

2. The link below will take you to a document that was reported to Council in May 2022, which shows Councillor Whittington to be the Support Councillor for the Leader of the Council Councillor Martin Hill, whose portfolio includes Resources, Communication and Commissioning. The website also confirms that Councillor Whittington is the elected county councillor for the Grantham Barrowby electoral division.

Reference number
Date request received
24 April 2023
Date of decision
10 May 2023