Requests for summer born children to start reception at compulsory school age made for 2022 2023 and 2024 - Find a freedom of information request


1) How many requests for summer born children to start reception at compulsory school age were made for 2022 2023 and 2024 of these requests I'd like a breakdown for each year showing ;

2) How many were for community and voluntary controlled schools?

3) How many were for voluntary aided and foundation schools?

4) How many were for free schools and academies?

5) I'd like a breakdown of the requests approved showing

a) How many were for community and voluntary controlled schools?

b) How many were for voluntary aided and foundation schools?

c)How many were for free schools and academies?

6) a breakdown of the requests denied showing

a) How many were for community and voluntary controlled schools?

b) How many were for voluntary aided and foundation schools?

c) How many were for free schools and academies?

7) a) How many head teachers disagreed with reception at csa request

b) how many heads agreed with a reception at csa start?

8) How many children educated out of normal age group in primary school will transfer to secondary school in 2023?

9) In the case of children transferring from primary school to secondary school out of normal age group, in 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 how many have missed either year 6 or year 7?

10) I'd also like to know how many children didn't complete year 11 or take their GCSEs, in 2016, 2017, 2018 , 2021 and 2022 ( I've omitted 2019 and 2020 from this request due to covid restrictions) Of these children how many were due to illness/mental health and how many were due to being out of their chronological age group




2022 - 30


2023 - 62


2024 - 66




2022 - 16


2023 - 30


2024 - 39




2022 - 0


2023 - 4


2024 - 4




2022 - 14


2023 - 28


2024 - 23




2022 - 17


2023 - 36


2024 - 22




2022 - 11


2023 - 8


2024 - 2




2022 - 0


2023 - 2


2024 - 4




2022 - 6


2023 - 26


2024 - 16




2022 - 13


2023 - 26


2024 - 44




2022 - 5


2023 - 22


2024 - 37




2022 - 0


2023 - 2


2024 - 0




2022 - 8


2023 - 2


2024 - 7



a. Data for community/controlled schools only available


2022 - 5


2023 - 6


2024 - 8



b. Data for community/controlled schools only available


2022 - 11


2023 - 24


2024 - 31


8. 12


9. Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) do not hold this information.


10. LCC do not hold this information. It only holds data on the number of children registered outside of their chronological age but not their attendance or GCSE entries.

Reference number
Date request received
20 April 2023
Date of decision
10 May 2023