Washdyke Lane in Nettleham - Find a freedom of information request


A grey post has been erected in the grass verge in Washdyke Lane in Nettleham.

Please would supply the following information please:

1. The date the post erected?

2. The true economic cost incurred in installing it?

3. The number of times it has been used for its intended purpose?

4. If illicit use has been made of the post since its erection, please let me know what action has been taken and by whom to rectify that situation.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1-2. Lincolnshire County Council do have an invoice to LCC on record for Post installation at Nettleham. This was for 2 posts and was for £1424 inc VAT.

The invoice was dated 24th September 2020, the installation would have occurred around that time.

3. Lincolnshire County Council does not hold this information

4. LCC removed an unlicensed object from this pole in October 2022.

This was carried out by the local network team who inspect the highway making sure it’s in a safe condition for all users.

Reference number
FOI 6535601
Date request received
Date of decision