Alleyway, behind Falcon Court, NG31 7RP - Find a freedom of information request


Location: Alleyway, behind Falcon Court, NG31 7RP

We would be grateful if you could let us have copies of inspection records for the area in question for 12 months up to the date of the incident, details of any previous accidents/complaints in the area and details of work carried out by statutory undertakers in the area, if the area is your responsibility.

Documents from Highway Authority for a period of 12 months prior to the accident -

1) Records of inspection for the relevant stretch of highway including confirmation of the frequency and type of inspection carried out.

2) Maintenance records including records of independent contractors working in relevant area.

3) Records of the minutes of Highway Authority meetings where maintenance or repair policy has been discussed or decided.

4) Records of complaints about the state of highways.

5) Records of other accidents which have occurred on the relevant stretch of highway.

6) Records of all works carried out by contractors in the relevant stretch of highway.

7) Any S81 notices served on our client during this time period for the relevant stretch of highway.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1) Please find attached site history report

2) Please find attached site history report

3) Please find below link

4) Please find attached site history report

5) There has been no claims in the “alleyway” behind Falcon Court NG31 7RP on review this isn't a section of the highway, A claim was received along the riverbank close to this area, but it was rejected as the path is not maintained by the Council.

6) Please find attached site history report

7) There aren’t any S.81 records held for this location.

Should you require the attachment mentioned above please contact with the below reference number and this can be provided.

Reference number
FOI 6480941
Date request received
Date of decision