Fix Our Funds To Fix Our Roads Campaign - Find a freedom of information request


Details of all costs associated with Martin Hill's 'Fix Our Funds To Fix Our Roads Campaign', as mentioned in the article below

Specifically, I require details of the following:

1) The cost of running the campaign (in terms of staffing costs, consultancy costs and any other labour-related costs or expenses).

2) The cost of promotional material for the campaign (in terms of advertising, material created and printed for the campaign, photographer costs etc.)

3) The cost of Martin Hill's '£12m Gap' sign

4) The cost of expenses claimed for work undertaken for the campaign


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

It is worth noting that all of the campaign expenditure below was paid for from the Communications and Marketing budget.

No monies were spent from Highways Govt money, awards or any funding to do with Highways.

The campaign contributed to the success in recently securing an extra £8m funding from government for Highways.

1) There are no costs of this nature associated uniquely with this campaign. All aspects of the campaign were carried out as part of Communications Officer’s daily activities and as described in their job description.

2) Design: £150 + VAT;

Poster and postcard printing: £658 + VAT;

Digital advertising: £200 +VAT

3) £279 + VAT

4) £26.64

Reference number
FOI 6505141
Date request received
Date of decision