Flood risk for an extension of a building within the Walkers site - Find a freedom of information request


I am investigating flood risk for an extension of a building within the Walkers site.

The nearest postcode for the site is LN5 8LY and the NGR is SK 96825 68615. I have also attached a site location plan.

1) Please can you advise if you have any records of flooding for the site and the surrounding area?


1. A record is held of a near miss flooding report NMP948 (near miss being flooding on site but not entering internal buildings) from 24th May 2021. This was informed by Anglian Water and no further information is held by Lincolnshire County Council (LCC).

There are no recorded Section19 investigations for this site. In terms of the surrounding area (250m buffer from the site) there is one recorded near miss (Manby Street, Lincoln) and two Section 19's (references: S19-134 / S19-275).

In the future we would recommend that the consultant first looks on our website https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiNGE5NTQ0ZGYtNzg4MS00YWNjLTljNzAtOTFkODI4ZW QyNDAyIiwidCI6ImI0ZTA1YjkyLWY4Y2UtNDZiNS05YjI0LTk5YmE1YzExZTVlOSJ9 before submitting an FOI, moreover this should likely be a request made under EIR.

Reference number
Date request received
13 April 2023
Date of decision
24 April 2023