Council-funded adult domiciliary care packages/clients - Find a freedom of information request


Domiciliary care:

1.     The number of council-funded adult domiciliary care packages/clients returned to the council by a provider (e.g. due to lack of capacity/funding) in January 2023

2.     The number of council-funded adult domiciliary care packages/clients returned to the council by a provider each month since January 2022 (including February 2023, if available)

3.     The number of unallocated/unsourced adult domiciliary care hours in February 2022

4.     The current number of unallocated/unsourced adult domiciliary care hours

5.     The number of clients the question 4 figure relates to

Residential care:

6.     The number of council-funded adult residential care packages/clients returned to the council by a provider (e.g. due to lack of capacity/funding) in January 2023

7.     The number of council-funded adult residential care packages/clients returned to the council by a provider each month since January 2022 (including February 2023, if available)

8.     The number of council-funded care users currently awaiting an adult residential care placement

9.     The average length of time the care users referred to in question 8 have been waiting for



I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you

Domiciliary Care

1. Zero

2. There have been zero council-funded adult domiciliary care packages/clients returned to the council by a provider each month since January 2022

3. As of 22/02/2022, 1548 hours.

4. As of 21/02/2023, 433 hours

5. As of 21/02/2023, 42 clients

Residential care:

6-7. There have not been any residential packages returned to the Council due to capacity or funding.

8-9. LCC do not record this information and there is not currently a waiting list for residential placements

Reference number
FOI 6088821
Date request received
Date of decision