Children's special educational needs and disabilities tribunals - Find a freedom of information request


Please send me all available details relating to the following questions in regards to children's social services at your local authorities OR all local authorities relevant to your organisation:


1. How much has your local authority spent appealing special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) tribunals over the last five years (2017 - 2022)? Please give your answer on a year-on-year basis.


2. How many SEND tribunals has your local authority appealed over the last five years (2017 - 2022)? Please give your answer on a year on year basis.


3. What percentage of appeals against SEND tribunal decisions lodged by the council were successful for each of the past five years? Please give your answer on a year on year basis.



2018 £0
2019 £1624.55 Legal fees £1000 Disbursements
2020 £0
2021 £0
2022 £340.14 Legal Fees.

2018 - 0
2019 - 1
2020 - 0
2021 - 0
2022 - x 1 appeal submitted in relation to an appeal registered in 2022 with hearing taking place in 2023. Appeal application yet to be resolved.



2018 – 0


2019 – 1 £1624.55 Legal fees £1000 Disbursements


2020 – 0


2021 – 0


2022 – x 1 appeal submitted in relation to an appeal registered in 2022 with hearing taking place in 2023. Appeal application yet to be resolved. £340.14 Legal Fees.



2018 – N/A


2019 – resolved by other means


2020 – N/A


2021 – N/A


2022 – appeal still waiting to be resolved.

Reference number
Date request received
13 March 2023
Date of decision
12 April 2023